One quick way to make money is to act quickly on every verifiable opportunity you get either as an affiliate marketer or content creator, get more people to join and perform daily tasks to make money fast and cash out big. CliqueAssets is a fast-growing affiliate platform to make money online.



CliqueAssets is a specific type of platform that allows you to make money easily and regularly! You don’t only earn as an affiliate but also without referring easily.

another question that would come to your mind is; what are the activities that you can do to earn from CliqueAssets.


CliqueAssets REGISTRATION FEE is #5,500 naira only.

 CliqueAssets AFFILIATE BONUS – #4,500

 CliqueAssets INDIRECT BONUS – #300

 CliqueAssets 2ND INDIRECT – #150

 CliqueAssets WELCOME BONUS – #3500

 CliqueAssets VIEW BONUS – #1000

 CliqueAssets ASSETS GAIN – #800

 CliqueAssets Affiliate withdrawal is every Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 5 to 6pm with minimum withdrawal of 10,000.

CliqueAssets Non-referrals withdraw every 25 days once they’ve accumulated a total sum of 30,000 Naira in a month and paid to their bank accounts.

So, let’s see if CliqueAssets is legit or a scam. we have explained how it works and the earning structure. here are other futures that make cliquesassets trusted and unique. here is why you should join.

CliqueAssets Palliative Xtra

A feature that allows you to earn more money when you hit a particular target on the website. A certain milestone and earn you Xtra benefits and advantages

Each milestone on CliqueAssets has its prizes attached to it from 100k to 1 million Naira and a certain amount is added to your balance.

ways to get rewarded as an act

CliqueAssets Post Gift

Be it an affiliate or a non-affiliate this feature improves your earnings every day just by liking a certain post and earning xtra bonus of 1000 Naira only

Not only that if u like every post daily that’s making extra 1000 Naira every day!

Both affiliates and non-affiliates benefit from this

CliqueAssets Abitritage Business

Earn in the Arbitrage system by taking advantage of price differences in different markets! Buy and gain more from various assets on the website!

Buy assets at a lower price and reselling to earn higher commissions on the website!


CliqueAssets is a brand that offers a variety of financial opportunities and investment services through its features! It provides innovative solutions for individuals and finances to grow your business

CliqueAssets is not just an affiliate platform but also a different kind of investment plan for you to earn huge amounts of money daily as Your number one Avenue to get rich!

1 thought on “CLIQUEASSETS Login Coupon Code Vendor Registration Fee and Withdrawal Time

  1. Hi it’s the 25th of the month and my task-balance has reached 30k but when I click the withdrawal icon it’s saying that it’s unable to process request, what am I doing wrong?

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